• Heuristic Growth
    This web page sketches out a thesis on the nature of cognive growth via examples of problem-solving in action.
  • Strategic Problem Solving by Children, MIT Professors, Horses and Donkeys
    In college level physics advanced students meet a refined form of the ByPass heuristic in thermodynamics, where the effect of a transition from a state A to a state B is computing by introducing a fictitious state C. Yet even 4 year olds have been observed applying this problem solving scheme. But when a horse by passes an obstacle to attain a desired location --is it truly applying the ByPass Heuristic ?
  • The Inclined Bottle Experiment
    Classic Piagetian puzzle
  • Inducia Capillaria
    Inducia Capillaria is one the Lakatosian Monsters -- high school and junior college level, from the compilation "A Dragon Hunter's Box"
  • Inducia Capillaria Hg
    Inducia Capillaria is the Lakatosian Monster that further mocks Inducia Capillaria. Requires qualitative understanding at the level of high school and junior college level phyics. Reproduced here from the compilation "A Dragon Hunter's Box"
  1. Harvey A. Cohen, The Art of Snaring Dragons, M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Memo 338, No 338, May 1975. Downloadable
  2. Andrea di Sessa and Bruce L. Sherin, What Changes in Cognitive Growth, International Journal of Science Education, 20(10), 1155-1191 (1998)
  3. J. Piaget, The Child's Concept of Number, Norton, New York (1965); J.Piaget and B.Inhelder, The Child's Concept of Space, Norton, New York (1967).

Epistemology spelt out in Greek
Some insist that not only did Plato give the first exposition but that Greek is the natural language to discuss epistemology

The Art of Snaring Dragons
Dragon Home Page