![]() Harvey Cohen PhD Personal Website ![]() Hillel stated: Ethics of our fathers (Pirke Avot) If I am not for myself, who is for me? and if I am only for myself, what am I? and if not now, when? ... Now I have written many web pages for others and in furthering my many and various interests -- but before this year I had never even tried to writte my very own personal website. Not just to list my personal likes and dislikes, my pet ideas, but to make a statement as to who and what I am. But how to start ? I'll write the end bit first -- a set of quick links to some of these many web pages. Why do I write Web Pages ? Leaving aside the issue that I write webpages to further causes that I support, I find that consructing websites is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those do not write code, design set-ups or manipulate images can manage to escape the madness, the melancholia, the panic fear which is inherent in the human condition. With acknowledgements to Graham Greene "Ways of Escape", 9:1, Penguin, 1980 |
Stockholm 2013 |
A Tribute to Jack Smith Jack Smith -- Peter Higgs first student -- my friend and one-time collaborator. A Memoir |
Victor Scheinman
my long-term friend
The inventor of the assembly line robot. His PUMA Robot in the Smithsonian. What made this man ? |
The only woman ionospheric physicist and the only Australian involved in the design of US Air Force SatNav system later renamed GPS. Elizabeth was the first female earth satellite physicist. She was blessed with a long and fruitful career (1974-2004) marriage and four children. Her career progressed despite the absence of maternity leave. Her fruitful career was so unlike that of the first female radio astronomer Ruby Payne Scott also born in Grafton, NSW. In her so-short career Ruby (with Joe Pawsey) produced the very first radio frequency images of the sun, and made othersignificant contributions. She was forced to resign and abandon her very short research career when she fell pregnant. |
Elizabeth Essex-Cohen -- my future wife was in the
USAF Geophysical Research Lab 1974 while I was a researcher in the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. There she played a vital role in GPS system design by applying known ionosphere structure to check out putative orbits. for GPS satellites. Late Career highs as Program Chair for International Conference WARS 2000 (Wireless Applications of Radio Science) and as lead researcher and GPS research head for Australian scientific satellite FedSat launched 2002. |
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Climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge by the arch from hinge point to hinge point -- -- without being caught by the Police
-- was one of the "must-dos" of my most conservative youth.
My daring extended to one memorial daylight trip
that is recorded for posterity here. Just click on the pix of
me bypassing the access barrier, or
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| A chronological listing of my published journal and conference papers on visual surveillance systems, image engineering and visual information systems, including image processing generally, and parallel processing techniques, together with some papers devoted to the design of image codecs, to aspects of satellite systems and to the education of engineers, from 1989 to 1997 and 2005.Plus the abstracts of my published papers in physics. Papers published prior to 1989 -- apart from Physics papers - are there | |
![]() ![]() Can a Perceptron select which image shows two entwined worms, and which just one ? |
THE PERCEPTRON CONTROVERSY | As a member of the LOGO Group at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in the 1970's I have the greatest of respect and affection for Marvin Minsky, and Seymour Papert. Shortly before I arrived at MIT in 1974, Marvin Minsky's classic paper, "A Framework for Representing Knowledge" became freely available - and was the basis for organising my own MIT AI Lab Memo 338 The Art of Snaring Dragons. Seymour Papert - who had actually been a member of Piaget's group, introduced me to the gamut of research on epistemology by Piaget and his co-workers. There is no doubt that Minsky and Papert's book Perceptrons was a block to the funding of research in neural networks for more than ten years. The book was widely interpreted as showing that neural networks are basically limited and fatally flawed. The controvery is to whether Minsky and Papert shared and/or promoted this belief. In Percepron Controversy I show conclusively that they did in fact promote this understanding of their book. | |
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Could a two-year old acquire an Erdös Number of 4 ? What is Matt Damon's Erdös Number ? Does Joan Baez really have an Erdös Number of 3? Can a character in a novel gain an Erdös Number in their own right ? |
The Erdös Number
Extended Paul Erdös was an amazingly prolific mathematician, who wrote research papers in mathematics jointly with 507 collaborators. These immediate collaborators themselves collaborated in joint papers with others, and so on . . . Almost all professional mathematicians are connected by a chain of co-authors of mathematics research papers with Erdös. In fact in over 80 percent of cases this chain contains less than five links. A joint author with Erdös has an Erdös Number of 1, those of their coauthors who did not themselves write joint papers with Erdös have Erdös Numbers of 2. And in general a mathematician has an Erdös Number that is just one more than the minimum Erdös Number of his collaborators. My personal Erdös Number is 5, -- there are in fact 5 different chains of published papers that link me to Paul Erdös which yield this value of five. But mathematicians - - including Paul Erdös himself - - produce joint 'publications' other than research papers in mathematics. So we take the same concept of Erdös Number very seriously, but extend the concept of 'publications'. Our Basic Rule for Assigning Erdös Numbers is: Was enough Chutzpah involved in the claim for it to be taken seriously ??? with chutzpah as defined here. |
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are captivating problems in qualitative physics, which require at most high school
mathematics for their solution , and mostly no maths. YoYo -- to left -- is an example dragon. Note conflicting heuristics. Upper case = YOYO for a steady pull to the right- which direction does the YoYo go? YoYo rotates clockwise ?? Lower case = yoyo for a steady pull to the right- which direction does the YoYo go? In direction of pull? The paper I wrote at MIT in 1974, Artificial Intelligence Lab memo 338 (1974) elucidates the Art of Snaring Dragons, and relates dragons in qualitative physics to the conservation puzzles such as the egg cup puzzle, and other qualitative puzzles Piaget used to explore the thinking of children. | |
![]() Marbled Gecko on Wistera Victoria - Australia Insists on doing the impossible |
![]() Gechos Inducia Capillaria |
![]() Inducia Capillaria [to left and right] is a gecko that looks again at the problem of water (or mercury) rising (falling) up (down) a capillary tube. In most elementary physics courses the student is shown a computation of H, the rise/fall of the liquid column above/below the surrounding fluid, as H = K/r where r is the capillary radius, and K involves the surface tension and the angle of contact. One can simply reject the two images here as "unphysical" or simply "impossible" -- but the real challenge is to extend the analysis to work out just what happens for tubes of "insufficient" length. | |
![]() The historic website of the GPS Science Group she lead till 2004 is here An annotated (but incomplete) listing of her publications on ionospheric physics, the use of microsatellites etc is at www.harveycohen.net/essex |
![]() FEDSAT and GPS ![]() |
The first Australian scientific satellite, WRESAT,
was launched from the (Australian) Weapons Research Station
at Woomera, South Australia, in 1967.
The second Australian scientific satellite,
the micro-satellite FedSat, was launched December 14, 2002.
The FedSat researcher in charge of
experiments was my late wife
Dr Elizabeth Essex-Cohen, who in 1974, working at the (US) Air Force
Research Laboratory near Boston, had evaluated the impact of the
ionospheric plasma on radio signals from satellites powering the
proposed satellite navigation system, then called NAVSTAR, later renamed GPS.
Essex-Cohen had in 1969 pioneered the first use, in Australia,
of so-called
beacon satellites to probe the ionosphere.
This website aims to provide an overview of
Elizabeth Essex-Cohen, the fourth Australian woman to obtain a PhD in Physics in Australia, was born in Grafton, NSW in 1940. Its a striking coincidence that the first female radio atronomer Ruby Payne-Scott MSc was also born in Grafton, and that both can be described as radiophysicists. | |
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![]() Skiing Mt Baw Baw 26 December, 2006, with Alex. | During 2006 I spent July - August in California, leaving daughter Zoey to feed my two cats, Heisenberg and Schrodinger. As a reformed orthodox, and lapsed Kabbalist, I have no special standing in the Land of Oz as a Cohen. But I learnt from TV's "The OC" that in Orange County the Seth Cohens rule supreme. But maybe both The OC and Dan Brown lie? As I got fit for tramping the Sierras by daily bushwalks along the Yarra, I spied an albino kangaroo -Silas - lurking in the trees, shadowing me. At midnight Friday, lying with my limbs contorted in the rough shape of a driedel, the realisation came that the mysterious Shabbat Dei was after me. Yet I survived California, climbed Half Dome high above Yosemite with my son RayZ, bicycled across the Golden Gate with Vic, to return refreshed to Australia. I love this years summer -- spent Boxing Day 2006 skiing on Mt Baw Baw (120 east of Melbourne) with Alex and his redhead. It wasn't til afterwards that I learnt that the Redhead had been educated at Hogwarts - which must be the explanation for this magical day. | |
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![]() New Year 2004 ![]() |
On December 28, 2003, with sons Raymond and Alexander (plus Megan) we set forth on the
ultimate Australian bushwalking challenge - to reach the top of Federation Peak,
in the most inaccessible portion of South-West Tasmania.
We trudged across button grass plains, and climbed up the almost vertical Moss Ridge
tree by tree to Berchevaise Plateau
using the route pioneered by the Antarctic explorer Berchevaise in 1949.
This was more than a bushwalking trip, so Harvey carried the 50m rope and each of us had
a climbing harness for the high exposure climb up the final 20m to the top.
The ascent of Moss Ridge fully equipped involves much pack hauling using ropes,so
from Cutting Camp
we set out very early with only day packs hopefully to make a one day return trip to the summit,
or at least to return to a tolerable bivouac location well below the summit.
Here is our trip report. Other pics from this trip are on Smugmug at http://shogun.smugmug.com/gallery/644041/1/27518366 (Opens in new window). Years ago, I made an attack on Federation Peak from the other side, coming up Luckman's Lead and circling around to Goon Moor, where we camped for five whole days waiting for a break in the weather. From Goon Moor I took this pix of the flank of Federation down to Lake Jeeves, with "The Sundial" straight ahead. Click on thumbnails on left to view full-size. | |
![]() The Kowmung River very close to the Colong Caves. |
![]() To right is press cutting describing what was the first conservation abseil in Australia.[Click to enlarge] | |
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Elsewhere on this web page there is text linking the viewed phenomena with a AI views of problem solving . (Be warned your head will start spinning soon if you read outside the context to which this page belongs.) | |
| | The official home page for the Australian Jewish Historical
Society, the AJHS. The AJHS, founded in Sydney in 1938,
has published its Journal since 1939. Fom 1995 I had urged the AJHS Vic
to establish a website but this idea was rejected both on the grounds of cost,
and relevance to the ageing membership.
Finally, at my personal initiative and expense, I established
this website in 2004. A succint directory of recent journal issues and special publications is given, including contents. Online here is a complete cumulative index -- by subject and category - to the AJHS Journal - from 1939 to now. Details of the archives of both the AJHS (Vic) and AJHS [NSW] are given. This site includes the website of AJHS (Vic). |
A tour of Australian Jewish History. A timeline of Australian Jewish History from 1788. This site documents the Jewish experience in Australia, which began with the arrival of the First Fleet in 1778, and continued with Jewish involvement in all facets of the subsequent development and evolution of Australia. The involvement of Australia with the re-establishment of the state of Israel is detailed, along with vignettes of certain Pacific and Asian Jewish communities. The Site provides information, sources, photos, links useful for family history and genealogy. Historic sites, portraits. Stories and folklore. Australian Jewish 'firsts'. Links to other resources. Included is an account of the underground school in the Kovno Ghetto during the Nazi occupation, and amazing links of that act of defiance of the Nazis to Australia. |
![]() | Nulla Nullas of Wallaga Lake |
At about the time of the NSW "Freedom Bus"- the Australian National University Jewish Students Union - established
a children's club at the Wallaga Lake Aboriginal Reserve,
on the far south coast of NSW.
The Club - the Nulla Nullas - run during 1964-66 -
had undoubted success, but ended as key ANUJSS members left Canberra in early 1966.
It is noteable that the Nulla Nullas gave charity in (in the form of gifts) to white children (in hospital). Others both within and outside the Koori community have since contributed to the revitalization and empowerment of the Koori village at Wallaga Lake, but traces of ANUJSS's interaction are there still. |
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| This is the homepage I created for the Property Owners Association of Victoria. The POAVic is a non-profit group concerned to represent and serve the interests of small-scale owners of both residential and commercial land in Victoria. Australia is unique in the world in having in several states a set of taxes "progressively" based on the aggregated values of the owners total holdings. Historically, Land Tax was only applied to very large holdings, but steady inflation has brought the most modest holding within the gamut of this bizarre tax - from which personal homes and all primary production land are exempt. The Land Tax regime is especially severe in the state of Victoria, where the POA-Vic has gathered anecdotal evidence that it is having a major effect in reducing the level of private ownership of low-cost residential properties. Moreover, large scale developers who must strive to minimise the impact of Land Tax are driven to the overdevelopment of suburban land, to produce oversized apartment towers. | |
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This is the website I created in 2006 for the New Zealand Jewish Archives,
which are located at the national capital of Wellington.
From the earliest days of European contact with New Zealand, Jews were involved in all facets of New Zealand history. In fact the Dutch "discoverer" of NZ in 1642, Abel Janszoon Tasman, had as quartermaster a sailor by the name of Cornelius Joppe, most probably a Jew. As a percentage of the population Jews have always numbered less than 0.2 % -- yet -- in a number of ways have made a difference to the development and history of New Zealand. A Melbourne Rabbi, Morris Goldman, wrote the first history of the Jews in New Zealand,and over the past sixty years the | |
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| My family has had a long involvement with the Hawthorn Football Club. Perhaps most strking, on Sunday September 24th 1983, Elizabeth I and the boyZ were at a hotel on the rim of the the Grand Canyon, Arizona. The 3 boyZ - aged 8, 6 and 3 - wearing Hawthorn tops found themselves being congratulated all round on Hawthorn's comprehensive victory against Essendon in the Grand Final win of the previous day. Of course Hawthorn was in the next six Grand Finals. | |
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I've never inhaled, nor do I play the sax. But I do admit to gross kutzpah.
In his classic book Chutzpah Alan Dershowitz defines kutzpah, however spelt, as "boldness, assertivenes, a willingness to demand what is due, to challenge authority, to raise eyebrows" Another Harvard alumnus, my nephew Rodney Marks, who recently served a year as 'professor at large' at the University of NSW, has written the most comprehensive dictionary of management terms called the contradictionary, as a guide to the kutzpah of management. What more can I write? This is my very personal take on kutzpah for those -- like me -- who never managed the guttural k sound in Chutzpah . |
The 1956 Olympics Torch Relay Hoax I took part in the 1956 Torch Relay, carrying the Olympic Torch for a mile along the old Pacific Highway just South of Gosford. Then with other runners I was taken by army truck to the Sydney Town Hall, where we stood as a group behind the Lord Mayor. When the fake runner appeared he was only inches from me. He was poorly attied and the tin can on a stick looked nothing like an Olympic Torch. I could have grabbed the fake torch from the runner - but should I when there were a dozen actaul officials wearing blazers nearby. So I hesitated, and watch asw the faker ran up to the Lord Mayor and handed over the fake torch. My story and my life-long reagrets about my failure to act is told here |